Laser hair removal - one of the most commonly done procedures for permanent hair removal

If constant shaving, tweezing or waxing to remove unwanted hair is making you exhausted, then Laser Hair Removal is an option which would suit you very much as it is a permanent hair removal technique.
What is it and how does it work?

The key Principle behind Laser hair removal is beaming highly concentrated light into hair follicles, pigment in the follicles absorbing the light. That destroys the hair. This light destroys only the melanin in a hair follicle whilst avoiding the surrounding tissue area. As the melanin heats up it destroys the root and blood flow to the follicle disabling the hair growth to achieve the patient’s goal of permanent hair removal.

Best part of this treatment is the degree of precision and speed. Lasers can selectively target only the dark, coarse hair and leave the surrounding hair undamaged. Also each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second to remove many hairs at the same time. It is a permanent hair removal treatment and patients can need upto three sessions to completely get rid of unwanted hair. We at Radiance Clinic use the latest hair removal machines to protect the surface of the skin, making the laser hair removal treatment a comfortable, pain-free experience for patients.
Lasers can selectively target only the dark, coarse hair and leave the surrounding hair undamaged

Dr. Poonam Arya
Founder - Radiance Aesthetic Clinic
Allow us to restore your youthful radiance and therefore your confidence.