Fret not about Freckles

What are freckles?
Freckle removal gives a more toned and aesthetic appeal to the skin. The laser beam exfoliates the top surface layer of the skin, which contains the freckles. Also this treatment helps in reducing the unwanted melanocytes which produce melanin.
Q switch laser is the best way to remove freckles

Freckle removal gives a more toned and aesthetic appeal to the skin. The laser beam exfoliates the top surface layer of the skin, which contains the freckles. Also this treatment helps in reducing the unwanted melanocytes which produce melanin.
With QS treatment, you can be sure to get 100% freckle-free skin. The freckles don’t come back soon and the results can last for years.
The freckles don’t come back soon. The results can last for years

Dr. Poonam Arya
Founder - Radiance Aesthetic Clinic
Allow us to restore your youthful radiance and therefore your confidence.