Laser toning, effective against pigment that can results in myriad of skin problems.

What is Laser Toning?
Laser toning is simply using of laser light to penetrate the dermal layers of skin and break the pigment that results in:
Dark spots
Open pores
Blotchy skin
Tanned skin

How does it work?
Laser toning is performed using nonablative lasers thus depending on thermolysis and not causing any damage to the surface skin. This thermal injury causes the triggering of collagen production in the dermis and rejuvenates the skin as a result. Usually, no priming is required before laser toning, however, photoprotection is the sole advice to be followed strictly post-procedure.
Laser Toning treatments can effectively treat stubborn pigmentation issues by giving low energy from the Q switched laser which leads to a decrease in the melanin in the superficial layers of the skin, thereby correcting pigment irregularities. The laser also helps in stimulating the collagen and elasticity whilst rejuvenate the skin texture with little to no downtime.
It is a safe, effective, and painless treatment though patients may feel a sensation of heat when the laser handpiece hovers the skin during the procedure. Patients usually require 4-6 sessions of toning to brighten the skin.
It is a safe, effective, and painless treatment though patients may feel a sensation of heat when the laser handpiece hovers the skin during the procedure.

Dr. Poonam Arya
Founder - Radiance Aesthetic Clinic
Allow us to restore your youthful radiance and therefore your confidence.